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LAAT bar ROTTERDAM is a place to have a drink, a snack, see some art and check what the local artists are working on.  We will host a Fridag-Middag Borrel and pre-party for whatever is happening in Rotterdam Friday nights.  We host LAAT mini-cinema monthly, featuring an array of brilliant cinematic works. 

Over the course of operations we hope to create an archive of work by artists living and working in the neighborhood of Charlois which can be seen in LAAT bar ROTTERDAM.  For now we will open for small events and hope that others will be encouraged to organize small events throughout the year 2013.

Some ideas: Artist talks, film screenings, book launches, meetings of any kind, listening sessions, Casual DJ sets, get some work done outside of your home or studio.

Come for a drink and relax after work surrounded by decorative knick knacks from Nina Boas and check out the new bar and other decor by Ties ten Bosch and Joshua Thies.

Free entrance to LΛΛT ᏝᎯᎯᎱ LAAT

laat rotterdam
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